骑雷榜首大战观看人数创纪录 增长20%达到250万
科尔: strong >确实已有一段时间,但这跟整体比赛状况息息相关。一场比赛往往是相互影响的,当我们的防守做得好、抢下篮板,就容易打出快攻。而即便是在投篮之后保持推动速度,也是至关重要。我觉得德雷蒙德在这一方面做得特别棒,他一直维持着赛事节奏,还鼓励其他队友投入到进攻当中去。 p > < p >< strong > 记者: strong > 如果说今晚上有什么事情能够激活你们的进攻,那一定是指向防守吗? p > < p >< strong > 科尔: strong > 我不认为单独某项因素,而是一系列综合作用所致。积极有效的防守、快速推移以及分享球权都是促进发展公式的重要组成部分。目前我十分喜欢现行轮换阵容。丹尼斯(施罗德)作为优秀单兵作战者,在面对马克西等强敌时提供巨大帮助。他不仅设定良好的防御基调,也展现优异控卫能力。在强调他打急促风格的时候,如果未掌握篮球应立即冲刺前方,而不是回撤接球。从季中的加入来看,对于他的调整较大,因为缺少训练营经验,但显然他正在逐渐适应。此外,他外线上的表现改变游戏走势,使团队面临更多匹配优势。 } p > < p >< str ong > 记 者 :斯蒂芬超越迈克 尔·乔 丹 , 成 为35岁以上 后卫 中30+ 得 分 场 次 最 多 的 球 员 。 在 职业 生 涯 的这个 阶 段 打 出 此 种 表 現 有多 难 ? P > < P >< str ong> 科 尔 : 我认 为斯 蒂 芬最 被低估 的 能 力之一 就 是 他 的耐 力 和 优秀 身体 状态 。 他为了此付出了很多努力 。 从他刚入联盟几年的照片可以明显看出,与现在简直判若两人。他不仅加强身体素质,更不断提升技术水平;学会如何在疲惫情况下继续竞争,不仅变强壮、更具耐性,同时还能提高自己的技艺,应对严密盯人的情况。这真的是非凡成就。 }
COR:I was planning to replace him. But Dennis asked, "Do you want me to give him another chance?" I replied, "Alright." So Dennis stayed on the court and jokingly told him, “If he misses it’s your fault.” Fortunately, Steph made it in then we paused to ask if he wanted to stay; he said: “No let’s finish this up.” } < /P >
The reporter: Strong>Your team mentioned at the beginning of the season that they hoped for a more condensed rotation. Now it seems like you're starting to make progress with that approach. When did you decide on this?
} {
Cole:This has always been our goal but injuries have affected us along with game circumstances recently.
We’ve consciously tried over these last four games as Luini and Kyle missed several consecutive matches—if I'm not mistaken three straight ones—that shows we're making an effort towards establishing a fixed lineup.
Of course even when everyone is healthy that's still challenging due
to Bogeymski & Gary's return ahead which makes depth huge,
many players can contribute . Seeing Moody & Lindy (Waters) shoot well lately encourages us greatly though maintaining consistent rotations remains tough ; however should third quarter be trailing by ten points I'll put necessary guys out there—it really requires balancing. {
The reporter :You know Curry became NBA history's first player hitting eight threes without missing while also dishing out ten assists right?