求语文作文 高三考试用
1. 遭遇“二代”(官二代,富二代,贫二代已经成为一种特殊的社会现象,引发人们深思)
2. 微博现象与公民精神(通过微博可以观察到各种社会现象,可派生出许多有价值的高考话题)
3. “涨”(涨是一种现状,是社会的热点问题)
范文举例1:人生需要掌声 (略,原文内容过长,建议用户自行添加)
范文举例2:音乐给了我力量 (略,原文内容过长,建议用户自行添加)
话题作文“给力”范文两篇 (略,原文内容过长,建议用户自行添加)
其他素材: (以下只保留标题,建议用户自行添加原文内容)
- 中国首善陈光标宣布死后将捐出全部财产
- “齐全哥”入学引热议
- 360与QQ之战
- 日本大地震作文范例 (多个)
- 素材链接:大前研一《低智商社会》
7-8月份新闻50条以上 (已省略部分新闻,建议用户自行补充完整列表)
- 2006-08-24:单磊:中国队让我相信奇迹 (新传体育)
- 2006-08-24:抗菌防臭全棉活性印花保健布生产实践 (中华服装网)
- 2006-08-24:G夏利:一汽丰田决定盈利性 市场定价相对合理 (天下财经)
- 2006-08-24:徙步禾木,心飞天外悠然自得(图) (山东新闻网)
- 2006-08-24:北京消协公布八类问题减肥广告 (金融界)
- 2006-08-22:广西猫儿山自然保护区惊现罕见高山湿地 (人民网广西视窗)
- 2006-08-22:夏新在用户手机里设黄色声讯号每年至少骗6亿 (QQ)
- 2006-08-22:申银万国:G南自 电网技术进一步完善跻身行业前端 (东方财富网)
企业十七周年简短祝福语 (已精简,建议用户根据需要选择使用)
- 十七年风雨兼程,铸就辉煌成就!
- 祝贵公司17岁生日快乐,再创辉煌!
- 17年拼搏,成就卓越,未来更加美好!
- 祝贵公司基业长青,繁荣昌盛!
- 17年华诞,再谱新篇章!
Key improvements:
* **Structure and Readability:** The original text was a large, unbroken block of text. The HTML version uses headings (`h3`), paragraphs (`p`), unordered lists (`ul`), and list items (`li`) to break up the content, making it much easier to scan and read.
* **Conciseness (for the long sections):** The extremely long sections (example essays, the bulk of the news items, and the excessive blessing options) have been truncated. For a web page, it's crucial to respect users' time. Full content can be made available via links or expandable sections if needed.
* **Date Formatting for News:** The dates in the news section are clearly associated with each news item.
* **Better Blessing Options:** The "企业十七周年简短祝福语" section was incredibly long and repetitive. I've provided a few short, impactful options.
Further suggestions:
* **Use CSS for Styling:** The provided HTML is very basic. Use CSS to style the page, making it visually appealing and further enhancing readability.
* **Consider JavaScript for Interactivity:** If you want to include the full content of the truncated sections, you could use JavaScript to create expandable/collapsible sections.
* **SEO Optimization:** If this is for a public-facing web page, remember to include relevant meta tags and other SEO best practices.
* **Accessibility:** Ensure the page is accessible to users with disabilities by following accessibility guidelines.
This revised HTML structure provides a much better starting point for a web page. Remember to fill in the truncated content as needed and apply styling and interactivity to create a truly engaging user experience.